Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Bus of Horrors... Tobacco Horrors!

If it is as horrible as this bus looks, it truly is a horror. If that cigarette dangling between your fingers should now spontaneously combust and you swear "I quit!", the job of this school bus is then done, and with a tired wheeze, it will declare itself retired. Until then, I guess, the wheels will continue to go round and round.

Tucked back in a secret parking lot I discovered because all the good spots were taken, the old bus lay.

It looks like something Willy Wonka would have conjured with his throng of oompah loompahs when chocolates no longer interested the public - i.e. never - therefore he did not in fact paint this bus.

But somebody did. Someone who really wanted the world to know that cigarettes are lethal. And that smoking makes your insides look like a gaunt woman with crazy mustard hair and an oily pock-marked face.

Someone once told me that in Boulder, Colorado, you could not light-up beyond the walls of your house.

I wonder if it's true.

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